Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hi Little Man,

Mommy is realizing that she is very bad at keeping up with blogs and journals. The last time that I wrote was when you were at 20 weeks. You are now 35 weeks. We are finally in the home stretch.

All of my appointments up to this point have been really good. The doctor says mommy's belly is measuring the correct size for how far along I am. This means that you are growing just right! We are very happy about that. Every time I go they also check your heart beat to make sure it is nice and strong. You are not too fond of the monitor though. Every time she finds your little heart thumping you move away and she has to find it again. At my last appointment you decided that you really didn't like it and thought you would let me know. You kicked me twice in the ribs rather hard and it actually made me jump. You are one strong little boy, just like your daddy.

You have been a rather active little fellow. I like this because I know you are ok. There are some times when it hurts a little, but I am ok with that. Every once in a while I can look at my belly and see you move or kick. Its a little strange some times just because my belly is moving all on its own. At the doctors office they are always happy to hear you are moving so much.

I'm starting to get ready as much as possible for you coming. The doctor said that if you decide to come early they wouldn't try stopping the contractions. This means that you can come at any time and I need to be ready. We have had two baby showers already which have greatly helped get things ready for you. We have one more coming up in the next few weeks. This will really help things.

I am really looking forward to having you in my arms, but I really want you to take your time to develop and be healthy and strong. Take your time in there little one. I want you to be strong. You have one more month until you are due and I am ok with waiting for you until then. I love you so much and am really looking forward to holding you.

Love you so much,

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