Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Dear Samuel,

You are two months old now. I can't believe the time has gone by so fast. You are getting so big already! Last I measured you were 14 lb which surprised me some because it seemed like you were gaining a pound a month but at 3 weeks old you were 11lbs.

I love watching you grow! You have started to smile at me and daddy which just melts me like nothing else. How can you not love that little grin!

You have already experienced every form of transportation! We went to PA for Aunt Christie's bridal shower and bachelorette party. For that trip you rode in an airplane and you did a great job!
In the Pittsburgh airport there is a tram so we are calling that your train.
Finally, for Aunt Christie's bachelorette party we went on the Gateway Clipper, which is a boat.
And obviously you have ridden in a car many times since you came home from the hospital. You did so good with everything and everyone loved you!

You got to meet your cousin Kate while we were there also. She was so curious about you, but you didnt really care. You werent really focusing on much at that point. 
And you even went and go photos taken with her but you are like your daddy and dont really like to get pictures taken. The photographer was able to get some good shots though! 

You got to meet so many of your relatives :) 

 Nana (Great Grandma Marie)
She just couldnt get enough of you and wanted to hold you all the time
Papap (great grandpa Jim)
He wasn't too sure about holding you because you were so small and didnt have much strength with your neck. 

We came home and over the next few weeks I could see you start to "awaken." You were becoming even more aware of things around you and you got interested in looking at patterns and toys. By the time we went back to PA for Aunt Christie's wedding you were looking around alot more and had more control over your neck. Papap was actually wanting to hold you!
You did so good at Aunt Christie's wedding. The church was really hot so Daddy took you to an air conditioned room during the ceremony. He really did a great job taking care of you while I was being Aunt Christie's Matron of Honor. From what I know you also did a good job while we were getting pictures done before the reception. 
At the reception you looked so handsome in your three piece suit! Everyone wanted to hold you and you just slept most of the time. You were so good. I missed you alot though because I didnt have a whole lot of time with you that day.
You did so well adjusting to everything as we went along! The flight home was pretty good, though you did fuss some. Now we are trying to get you back on a routine and right now I have you down for your first nap in your crib which is in your room. 

I love how big you are getting and how you are growing! I love you so much my handsome man!! 
Love Mommy!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Samuel Elijah's Second Week of Life

Hello Samuel!

We are so excited you are here now! You were born on Monday, May 6th 2013 at 5:03 in the Conway Medical Center. You weighed 8lb 15.9 ozs and were 22 1/2 inches long. I still wonder how you fit in my belly! We named you Samuel Elijah Jenkins. Samuel and Elijah are your daddy's favorite old testament prophets. And we pray that God will use you as He did with your namesakes. I think the name fits you really well. You are already such an attentive and intelligent little boy.

I had a relatively easy time having you. I went to the hospital thinking they were going to induce me but when I got there I was already having contractions. I couldn't even tell I was having them! They gave me pitocin to help speed things up. The contractions werent too bad and with breathing, your daddy rubbing my back and a little pain medicine through the iv I was able to make it through them rather comfortably. I was in active labor for about 10 hours.

God blessed your birth and had His hand upon us because Dr. Macaler thought she would have to deliver you by c-section, because you were so big. She refused to help you come out at all but thankfully she didnt need to. After about 10 mins of pushing daddy was cutting the umbilical cord!

I was so happy when they laid you on my belly and I knew someone was going to need to cut the cord. Daddy wasnt sure if he could do it because he is a little squimish and doesnt like that kind of thing. I looked up at him while he was holding my hand and asked if he wanted to cut the cord and partially to my surprise he did. I am glad he decided to. I think he would have been disappointed if he hadnt.

I know your daddy loves me very much. He was with me the entire time and even continued holding my hand while the doctor started to stitch me up. I had to tell him I was ok and that he could go over and see you. And that does not mean he loves you any less. He just wasn't sure what to do with himself and if I still needed him by my side. The look on his face every time he looks at you just shows me how much he loves you! You are his precious little boy and I know he looks forward to teaching you all kinds of things! You and mommy had to stay at the hospital for a few days just so they could be sure we were both healthy and ok after you were born. Its a pretty traumatic experience for both of our bodies. Daddy didn't want to leave us at the hospital alone at night, so even though Aunt Bea, and Grandma, and Grandpa Jenkins were in a hotel not very far away he decided to stay on the uncomfortable pull out beds they have at the hospital. He is such a great man and I can only pray that you will grow up to be like him.

I love being your mommy and am so glad you are now in my arms. You have been such a good little boy. I can actually sleep through most of the night because you tend to sleep through the night. I love that you are so calm. You hardly cry unless you really need something or you are cold. I try to keep you as comfortable as possible but I dont always know what you need. You can sleep though just about anything which I am happy about. I know you need your sleep and I know Im not the most quiet person.

Feeding you has been a slight challenge, especially in the beginning. We are getting the hang of it now but every once in a while we have a bad day. I know we will get better as time goes on.

Son there is so much for mommy to learn and I pray you will be gracious and forgiving when I make mistakes. I want to do the best I can and I have been trying to do that from the beginning  I love you so much and am so blessed that God has put you in my life. I ask Him to continually give me guidance as I develop even more as a mother. He has giving me good instincts and being a mommy feels so natural to me. it is just a matter of growing in that ability and role. I am never done learning and I am never done growing. I love you more then life and will do anything for you. You are my world!

I love you so much precious Samuel!
Love Mommy

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Hi Little Man,

Mommy is realizing that she is very bad at keeping up with blogs and journals. The last time that I wrote was when you were at 20 weeks. You are now 35 weeks. We are finally in the home stretch.

All of my appointments up to this point have been really good. The doctor says mommy's belly is measuring the correct size for how far along I am. This means that you are growing just right! We are very happy about that. Every time I go they also check your heart beat to make sure it is nice and strong. You are not too fond of the monitor though. Every time she finds your little heart thumping you move away and she has to find it again. At my last appointment you decided that you really didn't like it and thought you would let me know. You kicked me twice in the ribs rather hard and it actually made me jump. You are one strong little boy, just like your daddy.

You have been a rather active little fellow. I like this because I know you are ok. There are some times when it hurts a little, but I am ok with that. Every once in a while I can look at my belly and see you move or kick. Its a little strange some times just because my belly is moving all on its own. At the doctors office they are always happy to hear you are moving so much.

I'm starting to get ready as much as possible for you coming. The doctor said that if you decide to come early they wouldn't try stopping the contractions. This means that you can come at any time and I need to be ready. We have had two baby showers already which have greatly helped get things ready for you. We have one more coming up in the next few weeks. This will really help things.

I am really looking forward to having you in my arms, but I really want you to take your time to develop and be healthy and strong. Take your time in there little one. I want you to be strong. You have one more month until you are due and I am ok with waiting for you until then. I love you so much and am really looking forward to holding you.

Love you so much,

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

January 2013

Hi Little One!

Daddy and I went to our twenty week appointment. This was a very exciting appointment because we got to see you again and we got to find out that you are a little BOY! Daddy won't admit it but he is very very excited that you are a boy.
I am so happy that I am going to have a son in four months. We have already started getting things for you, like clothes and other things that will make it easier for me and you in the first few months. Its so fun for me to be getting baby stuff and thinking of how I will dress you.

You have been kicking me at least once a day that I have been able to notice and you seem to consistently move between 10:00 pm and 12:00 am. Its a good thing Mommy is a night owl most nights. Also I'm not sure if its from you moving or just my biological clock being funny but I have been waking up around 5:00 am every morning. Thank fully I am always able to fall back asleep shortly after that. I'm starting to wonder if this might be your schedule when you get here. If it is I can handle that!

Daddy and I are still trying to decide on a name for you, so for now you are being called Little Man. Eventually we will find what suits you best but for now we have time to figure that out. We have a few names in mind but we need to talk about it more. And of course Grampy thinks he has the best name for you, but its up to me and Daddy to pick it.

I think Lucy puppy has been confused with the changes she can senses in me. She isn't sure how close she can get to me and where she can put her paws some times but she sure has been extra snuggley. My belly is getting a little bigger so she may not be able to snuggle as much in the next month or so.

There are so many exciting things going on and the time is just flying by! May will be here before I know it and that means so will you. I will admit there are times where thinking about being a mommy scares me. I want to be the best mother for you and any of your future siblings. I know I'm going to make some mistakes but I hope you will understand I am new to this and I am learning.

I love you son and I can't wait to meet you in April/May.

Much Love Mommy!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 19th 2012

Hey little cutie! 

We just had an appointment and everything was very good! Mommy's belly is just about the right size for being 17 weeks along. Daddy and I also got to hear your heart beat again. I will never get tired of that sound! It was going at 150 beat per minute which is slower then the last time we heard it but it is still a very healthy rate. The doctor even said that your little heart was beating nice and strong. 

They asked me a few times if I have been able to feel you move yet. I really wish I could have said yes! There has been a time or two when I thought maybe I did feel you but I'm not sure. I really can't wait till I can feel you moving!

Mommy and Daddy are so excited that we get to see you again in four weeks. The ultrasound we will have then will tell us how well you are developing and make sure you are the right size for the your age. I know you are going to be nice and big and healthy. 

We love you so much Gummy Bear! And we are really looking forward to holding you in May!


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

October 24th 2012

Gummy Bear!

We had another doctors appointment and go to hear your heart beat again! I love hearing that sound! I am so glad that you are growing strong and healthy. The doctor said your heart beat was nice and strong and at 160 which is right where it should be.

I have been getting sick a lot over the past few weeks but I'm ok with that because I knew that meant you were growing and getting healthier. I have been feeling better this last week or so which I am very happy about. I am looking forward to being able to eat more so I can make sure you are getting all the nourishment  you need to get even stronger.

Daddy has been so good to me. He is making sure that we are both doing good and that you are gonna be a very healthy little baby. We absolutely love you even now. You are only 13 weeks old but you are already so cherished. We can't wait until you enter the world and we can hold you. For now we are very happy that you are in there growing and getting bigger.

For the first time this week I have been told at least twice that I am starting to show which is very exciting for me. I like the idea that other people can start to see that you are growing inside me. I love you so much my little gummy bear and I am so happy that God has blessed me with you. Even now, I am praying that He will lead you to Himself and that you will learn to trust and love Him as much, if not more, than me and your daddy do.

Love you more then you will ever now.
Love Mommy